Autism Sunday 2010 – The International Day of Prayer for Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome falls on 14th February. The Founders of Autism Sunday, parents and carers of a teenager with autism, Ivan and Charika Corea from the United Kingdom have urged campaigners around the world to use the occasion to campaign and lobby on the serious issues of autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
There are over 60 million people with autism around the world. Many suffer without proper public services. The current credit crunch and recession has devastated many families with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome around the world.
Autism Sunday – The International Day of Prayer for Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome was founded by autism campaigners Ivan and Charika Corea in 2002 Autism Awareness Year with a historic Service at St.Paul’s Cathedral in London. Since then the occasion has become a huge worldwide event with Cathedrals, churches, religious organisations participating in it from the United States of America to India.
Ivan and Charika Corea have urged autism campaigners, disability organisations, parents groups, Aspergers groups, voluntary sector groups, community organisations, autism related organisations to make use of Autism Sunday by lobbying hard on the serious issues dealing with autism and Aspergers Syndrome.
They have recommended the following campaigning activities to mark Autism Sunday:
*WRITE to the President or the Prime Minister or the Head of State in your country – urge them to speak out on autism and Asperger’s Syndrome on Sunday 14th February 2010 and ask them to spell out their plans to help parents, carers, children and adults with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
*CONTACT LEADERS OF FAITH COMMUNITIES – ask them to issue a message on Autism Sunday and show how they would encourage faith communities to support the marginalised, the vulnerable and the poor – particularly during the current recession affecting many parts of the world.
*WRITE prayers/poems for autism and Asperger’s Syndrome and ask your church or religious organisation to feature them on Autism Sunday.
*WEAR YOU AUTISM AWARENESS RIBBON to raise awareness of autism and Asperger’s Syndrome on Sunday 14th February 2010.
*CONTACT THE LOCAL/NATIONAL MEDIA IN YOUR COUNTRY -Press, Radio and Television- ask them to feature autism and Asperger’s Syndrome on Sunday 14th February – share your story for Autism Sunday.
*ORGANISE AWARENESS RAISING EVENTS ON AUTISM AND ASPERGER’S SYNDROME on the weekend of Saturday 13th February leading to Autism Sunday.
*ASK THE HEADS OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES to speak about autism and Asperger’s Syndrome leading up to Autism Sunday in assemblies and school meetings.
*CONTACT YOUR MINISTER/PASTOR/FAITH LEADER about Autism Sunday and ask them to highlight Autism Sunday in services.
*‘OPEN EVERY DOOR’ THE SONG FOR AUTISM HAS BEEN RE-RELEASED FOR AUTISM SUNDAY 2010 ask your local radio station to feature this moving song for autism sung by Gresha Schuilling and written by singer/songwriter, Nimal Mendis. The song can be downloaded from iTunes.
*WRITE TO YOUR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT/LOCAL COUNCILS/CONGRESS/SENATE – urge them to raise matters concerning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome.
*CONTRIBUTE YOUR FILMS FOR AUTISM SUNDAY ON YOUTUBE – add your films for Autism Sunday and a call to the leaders of nations to speak out on autism and Asperger’s Syndrome leading up to Autism Sunday 2010.
*DISTRIBUTE LEAFLETS ON AUTISM AND ASPERGER’S SYNDROME in events leading up to Autism Sunday in order to raise greater awareness of the issues.
Campaigners and organisations have been asked to use the opportunity and campaign on autism and Asperger’s Syndrome in events leading up to Autism Sunday across the nations of the world.
UK Autism Foundationhttp://www.ukautismfoundation.org
Charity Registration Number: 1124511
Woodford Business Centre
113-115 George Lane
South Woodford
London E18 1AB
United Kingdom
Telephone: 020 8989 4810
Fax: 020 8989 5164
E-Mail: ukautismfoundation@hotmail.co.uk