I’m really getting fed up of this other condition i have GERD Acid reflux disease, along with the Hiatus Hernia, this was diagnosed 3 years ago, but i have had it for the last 8 years, it all started one day with horrible acid reflux, acid coming up into my mouth. i went to the doctor my GP said “Kevin”, you swallowing too much air you need to drink peppermint drinks”, i thought get real! I’m no doctor but i knew this wouldn’t work so guess what i tried and it didn’t work!

So i kept going back to the doctors and the put me on some anti acid tablets which sort of worked for abit then, they said i would just have to put up with it, they said it could be caused by anxiety, which i thought it would be possible because i live with anxiety on a daily basis.

I made an appointment to see a private doctor at the nuffield hospital, the first question was, has your doctor sent you for a blood test Kevin? i replied “No”, well we need to check you for something what may be causing your acid reflux, it’s called HPYLORI it’s a nasty bacteria which burrows into the gut walls, and causes damage, so a blood test was sent off-, and guess what everyone, it came back positive for the bug i was put on a triple eradication therapy of antibiotics to eradicate the bacteria, it did not go away they had to to this on several times, then i had to go for a PH monitor test this is where they put a tube down your nose and it goes straight into you stomach- (i bet your all thinking yikes this sounds bad” it wasn’t actually that bad, apart from gaging on the tube and feeling quite sick), the test results came back saying i was suffering from chronic Acid Reflux, NO!

After that i was sent for a barium swallow, horrible chalky liquid stuff i had to swallow why they take xrays of my gullet, and my stomach, the xray operator said yes i can see a small hiatus hernia this is what is causing all your reflux, it was abit of a relief, as my mum and sister suffer from crohn’s disease, so i was sent off home.

A few months later i went to see my consultant who offered me to have keyhole surgery to correct the hernia, but i started to research about keyhole the “Nissan fundo surgery” i read some horror stories, where people could not swallow properly after surgery, they got something what is called Gas Bloat syndrome, this is where you can not really burp, or if you ever catch a stomach bug you can not vomit, i thought no i can not go through that, then i read reports where people had the surgery done and after a few years it come undone, plus i saw the procedure done on channel 4 surgery live.

So i began to research about different procedures and found something called ESOPHYX a procedure where they go down with a camera and correct the surgery in a very less invasive  way, but guess what this surgery costs £8000 and my doctors would not fund this or the local PCT, I have been in contact with various surgeons throughout the UK and i have about 4 consultants who would do this but it’s private, and not available on the NHS.

As a worrier i do worry about the future of this horrible condition as people with long term acid reflux who are on PPI’S like myself can get something whats called Barretts which is a pre cancerous condition of the gullet which can turn tumorous, Doctors don’t tell you this, they also don’t tell you that long term PPI drugs cause vitamin b12 deficiency and also osteoporosis and brittle bone disease, surely i would save the health authority thousands of pounds a year through medication, but no they chose not to.

oh and anyone concerned about having a endoscope, have the sedation, Double of it then you will be ok don’t be all brave and think how it wont hurt putting a garden hosepipe down your gullet so they can have a look around.

and lastly can anyone help me to fix this, i would be grateful of a Jim if he will fix it! or Bob the builder can he fix it :o(