Don’t Write Me Off is a major major new UK-wide campaign to make sure that the benefit system works for people with autism, both supporting those who cannot work and helping those who want to work into employment.

Visit the NAS  dedicated campaign website to read About there report and hear the real life stories behind the campaign.

Take action

So far, over a third of MPs have pledged their support for the campaign because of your help in raising awareness. However, NAS still need the Government to act to make sure that the benefit system works for the people it is supposed to support.

Email your MP today and ask them to support the campaign.

You can keep up-to-date with NAS campaigning news by signing up to receive campaign update emails.

People’s experiences of work and benefits

Don’t Write Me Off is about the real-life stories of people with autism, as they struggle to find work and achieve financial independence. But it also explores the simple solutions that could be put in place to make sure people with autism can live with dignity and fulfil their individual potential. 

NAS  followed a group of people with autism as they applied for Employment and Support Allowance (the new benefit for people who may find it harder to get a job because of their disability), They asked about their experiences of work and applying for benefits. The stark reality for people with autism is apparent:

  • just 15% have a full-time job
  • one-third are currently without a job or access to benefits
  • 79% of those on Incapacity Benefit want to work.

For the system to work for people with autism and the Government to deliver on its commitment that no one should be ‘written off’, adults with autism need:

  • Employment and Support Allowance to work for them
  • Jobcentre Plus staff to understand and meet their needs
  • a national strategy to transform access to employment