Sue Chandler pictured far right
100th centenary Reception
Sue Chandler The mother-of-three of Mary Rose Close, Bucknall, gives up hours of her time each week to the group, which helps around 70 people across the area.
She gives benefit advice, organises day trips, holds fundraising events and supports families with the benefit of her experience in whatever way she can.
Kevin Healey, chair of the Staffordshire Adults Autistic Society (SAAS), has said she deserves civic recognition for her long- term contribution to the area.
He has nominated her to attend a dinner celebrating 100 years of the federation of Stoke on -Trent next month where the city’s Citizen of the Century will be announced.
The 35-year-old of Newcastle said: “Sue is an inspirational woman, a lady who has sometimes not found life to be quite so easy, but who shows the strength and determination to help others.
“Sue has spent the last 10 years helping others, making their world a better place to live in. Her enthusiasm and dedication is second to none. I have not met many people like her