A petition which leading Autism Campaigner Kevin Healey set up just a few days ago has attracted thousands of signatures calling for Katie Hopkins to apologise to the Autism Community.
During the Crucial time of Autism awareness Month Katie Hopkins tweeted out on twitter:
“ED STOP LOOKING AT US, you are weird, look at people not a machine, try and act off the spectrum #leadersdebate’.
she also tweeted:
“Have just seen that lovely Ed Miliband on my TV. For one so clearly on the spectrum – he really is a high achiever. Well done Ed. Go you.”
Kevin Said, ‘its quite insulting and offensive to those on the Autism spectrum, and parents are very upset and angry. Its like mocking the condition; people living with Autism and families have enough challenges everyday. Then she blocked me on Twitter because thousands of my supporters were tweeting her about the petition”.
Kevin Healey told BBC Radio Stoke,
It’s a poor excuse statement that she has given to the BBC, “it was just in jest” she said, thousands of parents and people on the Autism spectrum have contacted me on social media because they are appalled with her behaviour and requesting an apology from her, she has no compassion, dignity or respect.
Actress Denise Welch, also tweeted, out to Katie Hopkins:
“Wow! We’ve had mental illness, dementia, weight issues and today… autism!!! Go @KTHopkins you vile bully.”
Lucy Hawking also wrote an open letter this week “Dear Katie Hopkins, stop making life harder for disabled people. She further said “My father is Stephen Hawking, and I have an autistic son. So it makes me sad when your “jokes” about Ed Miliband mock people with disabilities.
Sign The petition online which has already attracted thousands of signatures.
Hi Kevin. I’ve just come across the ‘Hopkins’ comments. Unhappy of course and I really think she needs a ‘public grilling’ so keep campaigning until you succeed. “Enough is enough” Hopkins. What’s the benefits for you here, really? Keep up the good work Kevin and best of luck! A father of a child with ASD.