Anti Bullying week starts next week, and i have been campaigning on many of issues around bullying for over 5 years now

Just over a week ago i set up a petition for Harry Gosling nearly 5,000 have signed it, and over 15,000 people have watched my campaign video i put out just over two weeks ago.

Antibullying week shouldn’t be awareness just for one week, or one month, it needs all year around awareness, because so many people with Autism are affected by bullying, Having campaigned on this subject in parliament, on national TV and radio, with backing of celebrities and support and help from Lord Sugar over the years, more needs to be done, i will continue to fight and campaign on this subject as many are bullied with autism, ive even got 104 MPS backing me a few years back to get the current hate crime law changed, theres more work to be done on this very important subject, we can’t ever eradicate bullying, but what we can do is work together to get the current Hate Crime laws changed for those with Autism