thankyou so much to all who voted for me for the NDA – i didnt get through to the finals, never mind, but thank you for all these comments xxx

Monday, April 28, 2014 – “Kevin is a positive Disabled Role model for people with Autism he has been campaigning and raising awareness for Autism for the last 13 years, and he has autism himself after been diagnosed 13 years ago he has been making positive change in the UK for disabled people. Kevin is a National Ambassador for people for Autism in the UK and a trustee for the largest autism charity the NAS, also he has founded Two autism charities and Two years ago one of the charities he founded the Staffordshire Adults Autistic Society won the Queens award for voluntary service, this is the first time in the UK a service user lead autism charity as won this outstanding award. Kevin is campaigning every day he has over 150,000 followers on social media, one year ago he set up the largest Anti bullying campaign for Autism in the UK, which as had the backing of 23 celbs including lord sugar. Kevin has won a number of awards over the year inc Stoke On Trent Citizen of the year. he is a Positive Role model”

Saturday, July 12, 2014 – “I am the author of #1 best-selling book I Am AspienGirl on the female autistic profile. I have been following Kevin’s for years. He is a committed advocate and should be recognized as such for his devotion, dedication and advocacy for all individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Tania Marshall, M.Sc., B.A. Best-selling Author”

Friday, July 4, 2014 – “Kevin I amazing. The things he has achieved through his own life, and for those on the Autism spectrum will make such a difference. We need people like him in America. Kevin definitely deserves to win.”

Thursday, July 3, 2014 – “I have followed Kevin on Twitter for several months now. Despite online abuse and other challenges, he continues to talk about autism and represent the needs of both people with autism and Aspergers and their families and friends. We haven’t met, but if we did I would give this sweet man a huge hug! I’ve personally been nominated for a Gender role model award. It’s telling that so many of my Twitter and real-life friends have been nominated in the ND Awards. It just shows what there are genuine people with a heart out there and Kevin is one of those! He fully deserves this award. He gives information and hope to so many. As the devoted aunt of a nephew with Aspergers and 3 others within my circle, I know how important it is to raise awareness. Kevin does this admirably. Anj Handa”

Monday, June 23, 2014 – “Kevin is considered a leader in the UK for providing so much to the Autism Community. We’ve learned so much from his efforts and have taken notice in the United States. I’m honored to be able to vote for Kevin.”

Thursday, June 19, 2014 – “Kevin Healey is such an inspiration to me. As an individual on the Autism Spectrum myself, I would love to one day visit the UK to hear him speak.”

Monday, June 2, 2014 – “Kevin is inspirational. I haven’t met him but I follow what he does on Twitter. He stands up for people with autism – these people become invisible and ignored as adults .He has overcome bullying . He deserves an award of recognition.”

Saturday, May 31, 2014 – “as an aspergers /high functioning autistic man , i find the current acceptance and treatment of autistic people from the entire spectrum , is grossly ignored . this man has tirelessly championed this cause , including being personally available to converse on social media with anyone effected . Current autism figures suggest between 1 in 80 or possible as high as 1 in 65 are on the spectrum .. Noteable high profile cases of recent years prove the ignorance and non abidance of the only current legelsation on this subject “The Autism Act 2009″, thus the true importance of a vital , and genuine advocate for furthering the quality of life for those who live through the autistic world , not simple observe it … Kevin is a true champion of a true Minority in society , with little protection .. a true hero to , many ”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 – “Cause he’s cool ”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 – “Kevin Healey has done so much to raise autism awareness, eliminate bullying and be a positive reinforcement to so many individuals. He is a man of action and determination. ”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 – “Kevin is a staunch campaigner for Autism..and an Ideal role model for disabled people…and has raised vast amounts for Charities…his work continues with government meetings and to seek media attention for what he believes in..and speaking on behalf of the disabled community…He is Highly thought of by so many people..and so rightly deserves this award… ”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 – “Because what u see is what you get …. I’m a mother of a child with autism in Ireland & ive followed and watched what a positive. Impact Kevin has had & continues to have for people with autism & to enlighten others of the reality of life with autism & i for one welcome it & salute him for his endevours ….. ”

Monday, May 26, 2014 – “He’s one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever come across. There is a sort of authenticity that proves that he is devoted to his cause. He’s one of the people who wants to make the world a better place for everyone. In my opinion he has great potential and dedication. My mother teaches autistic students therefore I realise how hard this is for Kevin. He’s capable of changing things for the better. I aspire to be as nice as he is and I’m not even autistic. He’s capable of a lot and I hope to see him win.”

Monday, May 26, 2014 – “Kevin Healey has single-handedly done more for advancing awareness of bullying of Autistics than anyone in the Northern Hemisphere who is not a doctor or a researcher. He stands up with his disability and shows off to the world that those of us with Autism are more than just our diagnosis. ”

Monday, May 26, 2014 – “Just look at his biog, enough said”

Monday, May 26, 2014 – “He’s dedicated and takes pride in his cause! Keep up the good work Kevin! Thank you and God bless you! Susan Henderson”

Monday, May 26, 2014 – “He is an awesome individual who campaigns tirelessly and is very passionate and persistent about what he does all the time. His Google Hangouts are fantastic and have been a source of helping me to find out more about the experiences of other people with Autism. I have never known anybody else so dedicated and passionate in what they do and who is so modest and endearing about his individual accomplishments. I hope he wins this award, he deserves it majorly ”

Friday, May 16, 2014 – “Kevin is simply the most amazing role model for anyone with disability or a different ability or ANY ability. He simply must win for his enormous efforts to stop the bullying and trolling of so many people. He’s incredible!”

Thursday, May 15, 2014 – “This man, Kevin Healey, refused to be a victim but rose up to be a hero for others against bullying! ”

Sunday, May 11, 2014 – “He’s inspired so many people with his constant Autism Activism all year round, inspires me to continue my work too! Love his passion and drive!”

Sunday, May 11, 2014 – “I have partaken in weekly debates hosted by Kevin and feel privileged to have been involved. He’s been very good.”

Saturday, May 10, 2014 – “Kevin selflessly seeks to make breathing space for neuro-diverse individuals who have experienced society’s way of straight-jacketing individuals who naturally must be different to be themselves. Besides, he’s a one man storm of good for the Autistic Movement in the UK and Internationally. It’s not a coincidence that activists the world over respect him and that he gets to be a target for some opposed to all the good he believes in and progresses.”

Thursday, May 8, 2014 – “He’s obviously passionate and hardworking about a cause helpful for any of us. ”

Thursday, May 8, 2014 – “Kevin Healey is an inspiration to so many people he certainly deserves this!! ”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “Kevin is a determined and very competent advocate for all people with autism and related neurodiverse conditions. He is innovative, daring and tireless and not deterred when things do not go his way. Kevin is one of the people who makes a difference and will continue to do so.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “I work for the NAS. This guy is an inspiration ”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “Instead of using the disability as a crutch, Kevin is a truly a role model for disabled people. ”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “I have have a brother with autism and the work Kevin has and does do is so important to us.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “you only have to read his story to understand the reason for my vote kevin your amazing well done ”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “am from Iraq 45yr mom 4 a 15yr old autistic son I am a civil engineer joined twitter in november 2011 & met a great community of asperger,autism moms brave bloggers ,Kevin is admirably special & brave person ,later on I was diagnosed with asperger too. ”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 – “A real role model for all, not just those with autism. Doing good wrk to get the message out there. Keep up the good work.”

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 – “Outstanding hard worker and mentor”

Monday, May 5, 2014 – “Kevin is amazing. I’ve two children with AutismAperges. He’s a fantastic advocate for anyone with Autism getting it out there for more to hear. ”

Monday, May 5, 2014 – “Kevin is a true advocate for those amongst us who live with autism. He is always so positive and full of ideas and inspiration. We are proud that our vote will go to such a worthy person. ”

Monday, May 5, 2014 – “Because he does so much for a well worthy charity ”

Monday, May 5, 2014 – “Campaigns tirelessly for people with Autism to live a bully free life…”

Sunday, May 4, 2014 – “Kevin does so much for autism, he works relentlessly to make people more aware of this way of life and give’s me hope that my son is going to have a great life which is what he deserves, the same as everyone else.”

Sunday, May 4, 2014 – “This young man has opened my eyes as a parent of a child who was diagnosed at 10 with Asperger Syndrome. I had little understand.Thanks to Kevin who is passionate in his role to make people aware these people are not freaks.His anti bullying campaign for all with disabilites is second to none.Kevin will always get my vote every time.Good Luck Kevin.”

Sunday, May 4, 2014 – “Kev has done a lot to raise awareness of the everyday struggle that people of the edge of the autistic spectrum cope with everyday”

Sunday, May 4, 2014 – “When it comes to Social Media (which is the only true media of diversity) Kevin Healey is a tireless and effective promoter of Autism awareness, distributor of facts about Autism and first stop for Autism information. He runs a radio show, Google hangouts, special Q&A days and a host of other events. An ambassador for Autism, and ambassador for diversity.”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Kevin is an absolute Hero,campaigning on behalf of Hundreds of Families whose loved ones are Autistic and his Passion on combating Bullying and Cyber Bullying is second to none. Kevin should win this Award because connecting with him via Twitter,I’ve got to talk to some amazing People and it’s all down to him xxx”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “autism/ aspergers syndrome needs to be highlighted and celebrated”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Just following him on Twitter, I know what an inspiration he is. Fighting for rights which shouldn’t have to be fought for. For what he has overcome. I think he is wonderful. ”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Kevin has a passion for ensuring Autism is understood, and supported. We are parents of a young man who has ds/asd. ”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Helping others to stand up to bullies online. ”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Hes a great advocate for people with autism I love all his page !!!!! ”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Kevin deserves this award because is utterly relentless in pursuing the cause of autistic equality and understanding. So many of us are touched by the spectrum – my son has Aspergers – and have experienced a range of conscious and unconscious discrimination. This can and is changing and Kevin is doing so much to help. He is the very definition of a role model and inspires us all to keep on keeping on!”

Saturday, May 3, 2014 – “Kevin is the voice we need to break down barriers and raise awareness. True champion.”

Friday, May 2, 2014 – “Absolutely deserves to be nominated for any award you could give for his time, compassion and commitment to help others living with Autism. Such a fantastic role model and humanitarian -a one off individual who deserves to know we are thankful and support him and the cause. Well done! You’re brilliant. Keep going Kevin. ”

Friday, May 2, 2014 – “Autism, other conditions & other so-called disabilities in general are very common yet don’t get the awareness they need in order for most people to understand the complexities that those unfortunate enough to be in this situations have.What Kevin has done is a grand job in raising awareness of autism to the wider world, and long may he continue doing so, as we need more people in the world to understand & value the diversities that people with Autism etc can bring.”

Friday, May 2, 2014 – “Kevin’s continued fight against the bullying and harassment of people on the autistic spectrum gives me great hope for the future happiness of my son, who was diagnosed three years ago. Not only that though, Kevin serves as a shining example of what people on the spectrum are truly capable of and his work is helping to dispel many of the myths surrounding ASD. I am sure that he is, and will continue to be, an excellent role model for my son and so many others on the spectrum. ”

Friday, May 2, 2014 – “I think Kevin Healey deserves to be awarded as he has drawn from his own lifelong experiences of bullying to help other people adults and children with autism. He has worked endlessly to get laws changed to help protect people with autism from bullying and also victims of cyber bullying. ”

Friday, May 2, 2014 – “Kevin Healey has been doing alot in raising awareness and campaigning for change for those on the autistic spectrum, due to his own experience being Cyber-bullied and also being a late diagnosed. More needs to be done as the lack of understanding to such a complex hidden condition can be so miss understood.. Kevin has opened my eyes to how to help my son and to help others, in regards to Safety on the Internet and respecting one’s wellbeing ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “great guy!!”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin has always helped me with info re our autistic daughter, and helped me set up a petition for her back in January. He does a load of work to help others, and deserves this award. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He’s a good guy”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “kevin is a credit to people with disabilities, he is tireless with his enthusiasm .going through his young life with undiagnosed autism.if any one does he deserves this award”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He is a good man and good friend. I have autism too and friend s like him have helped me see it in a more positive light.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin has Aspergers, diagnosed later in life after years of problems due to not having this diagnosis – as a result – to help others like him – Kevin has campaigned for the rights of people on the Autistic spectrum – whether it is campaigning against bullying – the understanding and support for people with Autism in the work place – or raising money for his charity SAAS by means of annual charity balls. He has helped so many parents of children and also Adults to the right areas to gain a diagnosis and spent many hours on the phone to carers who are desperate and need a listening ear and helpful advice – he has been to downing street with signatures of petitions asking for the government to listen and to take action – in fact every moment of his day is used for his campaign along with his work on twitter and facebook too. I have known Kevin through his work and am proud to now call him a much valued friend”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin is an outstanding advocate for people with autism.He has worked tirelessly to get the issue of autism and bullying on the national and international agenda and is making a real impact for children and adults with autism in the UK and worldwide”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “I’m voting for Kevin because I am the mother of a little boy who is autistic. I had so many fears of how the world will treat him because of his differences. Kevin has done so much to address and change negative attitudes towards autism. He is making a difference and I for one am so grateful. He deals with internet trolls on a daily basis but he keeps on going because he knows that what he is doing is of great importance. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “This amazing man stops bullies via pacification; whatever reason is needed!”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “First of all, I do not know Kevin Healey in person. I know him through social networks. I went through the long list of what he has done on behalf of those in the world of autism. He has taken his own diagnosis and made the most of his opportunities to make the world a better place for other “neurodiverse” people who are not as fortunate as he is. He represents many more “neurodiverse” people who cannot speak up for themselves. Every community needs a positive role model and the autism community is no different. I am the mom of a 14 year old daughter who is mainstreamed and well-adjusted. I have finally been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, as of February of this year. I was diagnosed much later in life than Kevin and am in his boat even more than he is. So I can relate to him. He speaks for my daughter and for me, and for many others in our community who want to be defined by our strengths, not our weaknesses.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin is such an inspiration to people with autism. He is a great person and he Deserves this award!”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin has done so much for Autism Awareness & Rights, as well as campaigning for better rights & action on bullying/trolling that it is very hard to know where to actually begin, on the subject! Kevin is the ‘Nelson Mandela’ of the ASD World, hands down. Surely (with all due respect) no one else is more deserving of this award, than Kevin Healey. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Bringing awareness to help people with autism and for campaigning to stop and challenge cyber bullying. Kevin Healey was brought to my attention at a training session I attended when I started a new job as a support worker for autistic adults. I have since followed him on Facebook and Twitter and he seems a very dedicated and hardworking individual who is determined not to be undermined by cyber bullies. He is an activist and will inspire other adults with autism to speak out.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He’s experienced and a good guy. A great role madel for the disabled community. He’s smart and inspirational. That’d why I’m voting for Kevin Healey today as i would any othertime as well. After all. Everyone needs a chance to succeed at something.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin Healey is a true advocate for all children and adults living with Autism. Kevin has been the victim of cyber bullying which could have easily resulted in Kevin withdrawing from society. Instead he has taken a stand on behalf of all those individuals who, at some point in their lives have also become victims through societies lack of compassion for people who may struggle on a daily basis to live in a world which can be frightening, unpredictable and very often judgemental. I am a mother of 2 autistic children, I’m also a co-founder and CEO of PACT for Autism who support families with children and adults affected by Autism. Our children are amazing and I am proud to nominate Kevin Healey for this well deserved award.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin puts others first before himself. He works tirelessly to help others with disabilities he is their voice. He also has to put up with a lot of abuse from internet trolls but he still battles on no matter what abuse they throw at him. Kevin deserves this award he has shown me that my son has a bright future ahead of him and that people like Kevin are helping change how people think about people with Autism related conditions. People are finally being educated. I am pleased that my son has a role model and spokesperson like Kevin to look up to.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Fantastic person. Even with his disability,he spends his time encouraging others.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “an inspiration to all those suffering with society’s attitudes to autism”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He’s done a lot of good work towards breaking down barriers for people with autism and by raising awareness of why we need to improve laws worldwide to protect people with autism from cyberbullying (aka trolling).”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Think hes astonishing x”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “I am a friend of Jo Worgan, I am a qualified paediatric nurse and also ran a pre-school and had many children with autism and aspergers and I think what you are doing is wonderful.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin is an inspiration to me, he has done so much to help others with Autism.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He does a brilliant job of raising awareness for autism as well as bringing about changes in legislation that will better the quality of life of families affected by autism. Kevin is a wonderful person and is in the process of having anti-bullying laws against those with special needs processed by the government, this is a herculian task with many emotional roadblocks to it, and it takes a special person like Kevin to spearhead this campaign. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin campaigns religiously for his anti – bullying campaign & likewise raising awareness & acceptance for people with Autism. He has dedicated his life since being diagnosed to helping others & in my opinion a ‘Very Worthy’ person to receive the award/title ‘Positive Role Model For Disabled People’.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin is a humble and relentless advocate. His generosity and kindness has touched thousands, including myself. Kevin is a model of what it means to be a member of a community by emphasizing empathy, collaboration and shared success. I’m proud to know him. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He is an inspiration to so may people. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin has set a standard in helping people with special needs, specifically those who are diagnosed as having Autism/Aspergers. His efforts have reached not only people within the United Kingdom, but also within the United States – providing insight for those of us what challenges are being overcome in other parts of the world. I’m honored to know him and to be able to vote for him. As the Lead Editor of, I’ve had the pleasure of being interviewed by him, and also working along side him in his anti-bullying efforts. Always willing to tackle the issues head on, his leadership efforts have reached around the world. From celebrity endorsements to encouraging those who are on the spectrum, I encourage anyone to take notes on how Kevin helps the Autism Community.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “He has done so much for people with autism and their families. A lovely bloke who truely deserves it. He is a fantastic role model for children. Fingers crossed he gets enough votes xxxxx ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “I am aware of the efforts Kevin has made to help people, like himself and my Grandson Tom, with autism. This is a disability that can have profound effect on the lives not just of autistics, but also on their families and Kevin has gone to great efforts to bring this home to a wider public as well as trying to effect legislation. He is an inspiration to many facing this problem and I would commend him for this award as it would bring great encouragement to others facing the difficulties that autism presents. I am the grandfather of Tom Worgan, an autistic 6 year old who lives near Lancaster. His mum, Joanne, has written about autism and has appeared in a film that Kevin made about bullying against autistic people. I know of the help and encouragement given to her and Toms family by Mr Healey. He is indeed a very positive role model. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin is so dedicated to helping other people with autism plus when he gets it in to his mind that something needs doing ie over all the bulling to others and on line over being different he will not let it drop, he is so determined to help and get the law changed he is marvelus I am so proud to know him he really deserves to be recognised for all his hard work …”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin works tiressly to help others with autism despite him having autism hiself. He is a supreme role model and is most deserving of this award. He had changed the way we perceive autism and continues to be a positive cornerstone for change and acceptance in our society. He’s an autism social pioneer. ”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “Kevin does so much for others it would be great for him to get something to reflect this.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “I nominate kevin because he is so dedecated to what he does 110%”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “What an inspirational person Kevin is, he fights endlessly for the rights of people to be accepted into society like everyone else, no matter what their differences are. He has battled his own fair share of negativity and still finds the power inside to continue to fight for others like him. I was a victim of bullying and never had the confidence or energy to stand up and fight those people who wronged me. I appreciate him doing this not only for me but for everyone like us, including my daughter. We want a better, kinder more just world for our children and Kevin is helping to make this happen.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014 – “I’m voting for Kevin because he is an inspiration not only to me but one day to my son. He has shown me that you can have autism and be successful in which has made me realise that my son can be too. With people like Kevin doing such positive work we can be positive about our children’s futures. I’m a mother of a 7 year old son with autism.”

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 – “I am voting for Kevin because of his tireless work advocating for the Autistic community. Kevin is an exemplary human being and wonderful role model. His anti-bullying campaign has gained many supporters in the UK and here in the US. Kevin is very deserving of this award. ”

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 – “My brother his son and another of my nephews are all autistic and I think someone like kevin is an inspiration. Having autism as an adult isn’t talked about and kevin is bringing to the public domain. Kevin deserves this award for all his y hard work and campaigning for this cause. ”

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 – “As I have a son with Autism myself, it is lovely to know that Kevin is out there to ask advice from if needed and that he is someone who understands what others are going through and makes it OK to be Autistic. ”

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 – “Kevin does so much to advocate for so many. Kevin knows how it is to be different,leaving deserves this more than anyone.”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “I think Kevin’s determination, courage, and hard work is amazing. I don’t need to list his many achievements. I run an Asperger support group in Essex, and have a family member with autism. Life is extremely hard for people with autism, and parents carers. There is NO support out there from local authorities, and Tory government is ruthlessly and shamelessly pulling the safety net of benefits from under people with disabilities. I wish to vote for Kevin for a positive role model award, because dealing with life is difficult enough already for someone with autism, but to have achieved all he has is incredible.”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Because he deserves it ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Great advocate for Autism. Fantastic anti-bullying campaigner. Working tirelessly to ensure people become more aware about Autism and to over come the stereotypes.”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin have give up all his time to help other people to can get the right help they need. This is someone who have to overcome autism everyday of his life and still fill the time to give hope to other and the mum and dad I really think that kevin healey story of autism can help a help and help lots world wids and yet he still one of the nice people every got to work with. But it don,t stop they his have fround two autism chailty that help people with autism and asperger but the hard thing for kevin is the know that his amazing story is not over you see kevin have a bother call shun who has sever autism. And that just start of what and sill a autism hero for me and other s”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin provides a great deal of information for and about autism. Great information resource. I’m a mother of an Asperger boy. Once our son was diagnosed, :-4 5*5 (my husband) was also diagnosed with Asperger’s and I have PDD. We never knew this and reading Kevin’s information let’s us know there are a lot of us out there. Very helpful. ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Champion for all those on social media who may havewho have been bullied. He stands up for himself and all those who cant or unable to do so for themselves”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin is incredible – his anti bullying campaign is inspirational. This feels like the best way to help him beat them.”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “This amazing individual is raising the profile of autism. Kevin has done so much to improve the lives of many, providing access to the right support networks and to information. Kevin has also taken on the cyber bullies and trolls in his campaign against bullying. So many of the children and young people with autism who I work with have no formal or functional communication; Kevin is giving them a voice. ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – ” My Asperger’s son suffered bullying many years in Middle and High School. Kevin is at the forefront leading the way of ending bullying against autistic people in the law, and I am very proud of his endeavors on behalf of people like my son!”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Has worked so hard for Autism, KevinHealy deserves to win an award. Has faced a lot of haters out there in web world – but I would like to just say Thank you Kevin for everything xx”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin Healey is autistic himself and has, for many years, done so much to raise awareness and make the lives of everyone with, or affected by, autism. He endeavours to educate those without knowledge of autism so that they can be more understanding of the difficulties faced. Through Kevin, I myself realised I have Aspergers. Kevin is a top guy and deserves this award!”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin is such an inspiration he deserves an award!”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “The work Kevin does for Autism and Autism awareness goes well beyond commendable and he is a simply magnificant champion for the cause. I got to know Kevin after he was rightly nominated as an Olympic Torchbearer in 2012 and am truly humbled by what he does and what he has achieved. This is all done in the face of horrific abuse he receives on social networks from pathetic trolls who are not fit to even lace his shoes. Keep up the great work Kevin!”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin works so hard to raise awareness of disability autism and bullying His work is often criticised and he is personally attacked and suffers from cyber bullying and verbal abuse ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Mr Kevin Healey. Is a big autism campaigner an amazing hero to parents like me who has a child with autism. Kevin is always available to fight for Autism causes and parents. There’s no one who deserve to be named and to have an award then Mr Healey. Thank you. ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin deserves this award for the sheer determination and incredible inspiration he is too parents and individuals with autism showing the true strengths and gift of his own autism . He has had to rise above complete vile abusive hatred and has achieved this in a inspirational way and never stops campaigning and being committed to the autistic society world wide ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Set up and founded NSAAA 2001 Helped local MP to set up pre diagnostic services for children Secured funding for NSAAA over £400,000 Produced a documentary for autism awareness Met with the MP Tony Blair for services for Autism arranged the largest autism conference in the west midland for autism in 2004 won regional volunteer of the year for impact for the west midlands 2005 (chancillor gordon brown designed the 2005 volunteer awards) won inclusion award with the national autistic society won citizen of the year for stoke on trent and north staffordshire 2006 set up staffordshire adults autistic society for adults may 2007. won charity champion of they year 2007 for disability services in stoke on trent-signal radio. published a book twin brothers worlds apart 2008 with all proceeds going to SAAS. elected as a cllr for the national autistic society 2008. founded and set up the first autism radio station in the UK Autism radio UK 2009. elected and become an ambassador for the National Autistic Society 2009. produced a charity single for adults with autism 2010. a variety show for autism staged at the victoria hall won trustee of the year 2011 Newcastle CVS won charity of the year sponsored by staffordshire police / NCVS. Charity got the Queens award for Autism services kevin met with the queen 2012. Secured funding for £200,000 for carried the olympic torch for Autism set up the anti bullying campaign April 2013 won regional finalist british care award 2013 for my anti bullying campaign Elected trustee for the largest Autism charity in the UK December 2013. ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Fighting for the rights of adults and children with autismRaising awareness of autism”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Because I think he deserves to be voted in”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “I have 2 autistic sons and he is so inspirational and doesnt deserve to he treated in the bad ways that he is. ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “He works tirelessly to raise awareness of autism and bullying towards autism, and whilst doing this lives with autism himself. A truly inspirational gentleman”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin is an amazing campaigner who has worked hard to better lives of people with autism. He has suffered terrible online bullying & still continues to try to help others. He’s an inspiration to us all”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Kevin Healey advocates for others who are on the autistic spectrum as well as raising awareness. He is a tireless campaigner. His global Autism Anti Bullying Campaign was started over a year ago and Kevin continues to fight for laws to protect those individuals with ASD and learning disabilities. Kevin, eats, sleeps and breathes autism campaigning and advocacy, as an individual campaigner he truly deserves this award. ”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Because he’s an inspiration”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 – “Does so much to raise awareness about bullying and cyber bullying. He works tirelessly to spread the word and to get bullying laws passed. “