Andrew Dobosz is directing a unique biopic drama for this summer based on Kevin Healey’s book “Twin Brothers Worlds Apart” We will be auditioning for the film on Tuesday 17th May from 12 midday until 8pm at the Queens Theatre, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 4JH
The short film will be based on a biography book about Autism Campaigner Kevin Healey. It is set in the early 1980s and will focus on Kevin as a child growing up with Aspergers syndrome. Including his obsessions, bullying he received at school and his struggles with understanding the world. It will also feature his twin brother Shaun who has autism non- verbal.
Kevin Healey said ‘I’m so pleased I’ve finally found the right producer Andrew has autism himself like me so whom ideally could make such a great film drama, I’ve seen Andrews work and he’s such a young talented filmmaker with Asperger Syndrome.
I’ve felt for so many years that autism is not correctly portrayed, most film are based on savants like the rainman, everyone with autism is different and no two people are the same, the drama film we be based on around my life growing up when I was about 8, so the scene is set it the very early 80’s, it will feature various scenes, funny scenes, dramatic screens, bullying, school life and home life, I’m really excited about it, the film is a short lasting about 20 mins we hope that one day it will be turned into a full feature film, and hopefully be entered into film festivals to showcase this amazing drama.
We have been inundated with auditions and people are coming from all over the UK for the auditions, children and adults with Asperger, Autism and other related disability’s, we also have people whom want to be full time actors for there career, the film is going to be filmed in Stoke On Trent to keep it Authentic
Notes to editors:
For interviews contact Kevin Healey
Photo opportunities/filming Tuesday 17th May from 12 midday until 8pm at the Queens Theatre, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 4JH
Twin Brothers worlds apart website
More information on the event and who’s coming.
Facebook – Event page