As an Award winning campaigner and activist, During the week of Anti-bullying week, I always approach people asking if they want to cover my story, one person in particular today I asked if they would like to do a story, they said they would get back to me a few days ago, because I didn’t hear from them i approached this person, I only sent a few messages on Saturday, then today I was blocked by this person, how childish and immature.

This person then sent out a message to there Social Media contacts saying that I sent over 10 messages out to them on Sunday morning?? (Really, I have much better things to do), Hmmmmm really get your FACTS correct!

I have the evidence in my inbox, (screened shot for evidence) for the record, I sent ONE message to this person today (Sunday)! Then they started to send message’s to one another and Gossiping about me which is a form of Cyberbullying spreading lies & rumours.
one of my Troll/Stalker set up a mini hate campaign against me on Social Media (how grown up of them to do this), how pathetic and immature, sometime’s Social Media is like a virtual playground for Adults, whom don’t behave like adults, I will be really careful whom I approach in the future and vet them out before I make contact with them, I learned another lesson today.

On a positive note, my Wikipedia page remains open, only some weeks ago, a few haters tried to get the page deleted, sadly they failed, what goes around comes around.